
The Dire installation should be fairly straight forward if you already have a Pythia8 installation. Dire is compatible with Pythia 8 version 8212 and higher (Dire 2.001 onwards require Pythia 8.226 or higher). Let's assume you already have a running Pythia 8 installation that is linked against LHAPDF6 and HEPMC2 (some tools to set up such an installation can be found below). Then, follow these steps to get going:

  1. Download Dire by e.g. using
    or selecting the download in the right-hand menu and storing the file.
  2. Untar the Dire tarball in the Pythia examples directory of your Pythia installation directory (e.g. /my/pythia/dir/share/Pythia8/examples/) e.g. by executing
    tar xf DIRE-2.003.tar.gz
  3. cd into the Dire directory and run
    ./configure --prefix=/path/where/to/install/dire --with-pythia8=/path/to/pythia
    to configure Dire. Here, /path/to/pythia is your Pythia install or build directory (the code assumes that Pythia's is located at either /path/to/pythia/ or /path/to/pythia/share/Pythia8/examples/, and /path/where/to/install/dire is the directory in which you want to install Dire.
  4. After this, compile Dire with
    make && make install
  5. Now cd into you install directory (/path/where/to/install/dire). From version 2.002 onwards, Dire offers a default executable that will be compiled with make install and copied to bin/dire. You can find out more about available functionality by typing
    ./bin/dire --help
    Now enter the subdirectory share/Dire/main and run
    make dire00 or make dire01
    to compile a Dire main program. Note that some default main programs link against LHAPDF6 and possibly HEPMC2 (ProMC), which means Pythia has to be configured to support this.
  6. Run with
    ./dire05 myinput.cmnd
    where myinput.cmnd is an appropriate input file (examples are given by dis.cmnd, lhc.cmnd and lep.cmnd). To produce HEPMC2 outout, you can try running with with
    ./dire01 myinput.cmnd myoutput.hepmc
    where myoutput.hepmc is the output file.

Please note that the helper scripts below have last been tested for version 2.003.

As event generator outputs can take up a lot of disk space, it is often useful to analyse the outputs on-the-fly. Here is a script that allows you to run Pythia 8 + Dire and RIVET simultaneously, so that you can directly compare against experimental data.

The plugin requires an installation of Pythia 8. Some Linux tools to help you with your Pythia 8 installation care found below. is a master installation script to install zlib, BOOST, LHAPDF6, HEPMC2, Pythia 8 and Dire. It downloads and uses all scripts below. So just download this script, make it executable, and run. (Note: Works only on Linux) is an installation script to install zlib, as a helper for is an installation script to install BOOST, as a helper for is an installation script to install LHAPDF6 and link against BOOST, as a helper for is an installation script to install HEPMC2, as a helper for is an installation script to install Pythia 8 and link against LHAPDF6, HEPMC2, BOOST and zlib. The latter is only needed if you want Pythia 8 to read gzipped input files. is an installation script to install Dire in a Pythia 8 distribution - basically following the steps outlined above.