
Here, some basic and a bit more advanced Dire usage (QED, merging, matrix-element corrections -- see below) is discussed.

Basic usage

Dire inherits its usage philosophy from Pythia: The idea is that the user should write small C++ programs that steer the event generation. Various examples are collected in the main directory of the distribution:

The main program is instead intended to allow users to steer Dire with input files and terminal instructions instead, and is thus somewhat more complicated. This program (which is also installed to bin/dire upon executing make install) can act as a Dire main program without the user having to write their own steering program -- so let's discuss its usage here.

You can access the documentation of this program by executing

./bin/dire --help

The most common use will be to supply a file to read all input settings from by using the --input command line option. Another useful feature is OpenMP parallelization, which can be activated by specifying --nthreads. Note that for the latter, Dire has to be configured with OpenMP support (see ./configure --help). Another useful command line option is to specify HepMC2 output through --hepmc_output. Finally, all Pythia settings can by supplied as command line options through the --setting keyword. Some example usage is

./bin/dire --nevents 50 --setting "WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on"

./bin/dire --input main/lep.cmnd --hepmc_output myfile.hepmc

QED showers

QED showers are in principle no different from any other Pythia or Dire settings, and thus do not really require non-basic usage. Here's an example input file to use QED showers in hadron collider events:
	# Number of events to generate.
	Main:numberOfEvents       = 10000
	# LHC beam setup
	Beams:idA                 = 2212
	Beams:idB                 = 2212
	Beams:eCM                 = 7000.
	# Example: Neutral-current Drell-Yan e+e- production
	WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on
	23:onMode                 = off
	23:onIfAny                = 13 -13 
	PhaseSpace:mHatMin        = 20.
	# Do not use "power shower".
	SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch    = 1
	TimeShower:pTmaxMatch     = 1
	# Set QED cut-offs and switch on QED shower.
	TimeShower:pTminChgQ = 0.0001
	TimeShower:pTminChgL = 0.0001
	SpaceShower:pTminChgQ = 0.001
	SpaceShower:pTminChgL = 0.001
	TimeShower:QEDshowerByQ = on
	TimeShower:QEDshowerByL = on
	SpaceShower:QEDshowerByQ = on
	SpaceShower:QEDshowerByL = on
	# Below this pT value, only retain positiv electric charge correlators.
	# This improves the numerical stability, but should be reassessed if
	# other values have significant impact on your favorite observables.
	Dire:QED:pTminAllowNeg = 0.2

Using merging

ME+PS merging allows to correct the parton shower approximation for the spectrum of multiple emissions with more accurate fixed-order results. Multi-emission configurations with different multiplicty can be corrected simultaneously. For example, if the lowest multiplicity scattering is A + B → C, then merging allows to produce an event sample in which the processes A + B → C, A + B → C + 1 hard emission, A + B → C + 2 hard emissions, A + B → C + 3 hard emission, and so on, are all described with fixed-order (e.g. tree-level or NLO) accuracy. What is meant by "hard emission" depends on the event generator. Dire allows to treat QCD partons, photons, leptons and W- or Z-bosons as additional hard emissions. As such, it extends the electroweak merging of arxiv:1510.01517 [hep-ph] to photons, leptons and Z-bosons. Electroweak showers are approximated in the scheme of arxiv:1403.4788 [hep-ph].

The merging capabilities of Dire are illustrated with the dire02 example program. We advise using/expanding this example. dire02 takes two arguments: First the settings file, and second the name of an output HepMC event file. The available settings are very similar to the example settings file main89ckkwl.cmnd and friends of the standard Pythia distribution. These are documented in detail in the Pythia online documentation. Some small sample input Les Houches Event files are included in the Dire distribution in the include/DirePlugins/mg5 directory. This directory further includes matrix element correction codes. It is strongly recommended to link Dire against a suitable suite of matrix elements, to ensure consistency of the merging. An example configure step would be

./configure --with-pythia8=/path/to/pythia --with-mg5mes=$(pwd)/include/DirePlugins/mg5 --mg5mes-model=sm

before compiling Dire and before compiling your main program. A functional input settings file for leading-order merging could look like this:

	Main:numberOfEvents = 10000
	Beams:frameType     = 4

	! Wimpy shower
	TimeShower:pTmaxMatch  = 1
	SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 1

	! Use same alpha_s value as in ME calculation
	SpaceShower:alphaSvalue   = 0.1203
	TimeShower:alphaSvalue    = 0.1203
	! Use same PDF set as in ME calculation (note: requires to link LHAPDF6)
	!PDF:pSet                  = LHAPDF6:CT14nnlo
	!PDF:pHardSet              = LHAPDF6:CT14nnlo

	! Specify merging parameters for CKKW-L, UMEPS, UNLOPS.
	! Merging scale definition: pT of jets w.r.t. beam
	Merging:unlopsTMSdefinition    = 1
	Merging:doUserMerging          = on

	! Merging scale value
	Merging:TMS                    = 20. 
	! Maximal number of additional LO jets
	Merging:nJetMax                = 2   
	! Use Pythia factorisation/renormalisation scales for 
	! lowest-multiplicity process
	Merging:usePythiaQRenHard      = on
	Merging:usePythiaQFacHard      = on
	! Allow any process with jets and W- or Z-bosons as
	! lowest-multiplicity process
	Merging:Process                = pp>Zinc,Winc,Jinc
	Merging:mayRemoveDecayProducts = on
	! Switch on electroweak PS & merging.
	SpaceShower:EWshowerByQ        = on  
	TimeShower:EWshowerByQ         = on
	! Use collinear kT as argument of alphaS
	DireSpace:alphasScheme         = 2          
	DireTimes:alphasScheme         = 2

	! Be more forgiving with momentum mismatches.
	Check:epTolErr                 = 2e-2
	LesHouches:setQuarkMass        = 0
	LesHouches:setLeptonMass       = 0
	LesHouches:matchInOut          = off
	ShowerPDF:usePDFmasses         = off
	1:m0 = 0.0
	2:m0 = 0.0
	3:m0 = 0.0
	4:m0 = 0.0
	5:m0 = 0.0

	! Madgraph settings to let ME corrections know about MG5 parameters.
	Dire:MG5card  = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat
	SLHA:file     = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat

	! Switch off event generation steps
	!PartonLevel:MPI              = off
	!HadronLevel:all              = off
	!BeamRemnants:primordialKT    = off
	!PartonLevel:Remnants         = off
	!Check:event                  = off

	! Subruns for CKKW-L merging
	Main:numberOfSubruns = 3
	Main:subrun               = 0
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_lo_0.lhe.gz
	Main:subrun               = 1
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_lo_1.lhe.gz
	Main:subrun               = 2
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_lo_2.lhe.gz

You can save this to a file (say, mergingLO.cmnd) and then run

./dire02 mergingLO.cmnd mergingLO_output.hepmc

NLO merging input settings are not much more complicated. An example could look like this (note that only the last bit is different from the LO example above):

	Main:numberOfEvents = 10000
	Beams:frameType     = 4

	! Wimpy shower
	TimeShower:pTmaxMatch  = 1
	SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch = 1

	! Use same alpha_s value as in ME calculation
	SpaceShower:alphaSvalue   = 0.1203
	TimeShower:alphaSvalue    = 0.1203
	! Use same PDF set as in ME calculation (note: requires to link LHAPDF6)
	!PDF:pSet                  = LHAPDF6:CT14nnlo
	!PDF:pHardSet              = LHAPDF6:CT14nnlo

	! Specify merging parameters for CKKW-L, UMEPS, UNLOPS.
	! Merging scale definition: pT of jets w.r.t. beam
	Merging:unlopsTMSdefinition    = 1

	! Merging scale value
	Merging:TMS                    = 20. 
	! Maximal number of additional LO jets
	Merging:nJetMax                = 2   
	! Maximal number of additional NLO jets
	Merging:nJetMaxNLO             = 1
	! Use Pythia factorisation/renormalisation scales for 
	! lowest-multiplicity process
	Merging:usePythiaQRenHard      = on
	Merging:usePythiaQFacHard      = on
	! Allow any process with jets and W- or Z-bosons as
	! lowest-multiplicity process
	Merging:Process                = pp>Zinc,Winc,Jinc
	Merging:mayRemoveDecayProducts = on
	! Switch on electroweak PS & merging.
	SpaceShower:EWshowerByQ        = on  
	TimeShower:EWshowerByQ         = on
	! Use collinear kT as argument of alphaS
	DireSpace:alphasScheme         = 2          
	DireTimes:alphasScheme         = 2

	! Be more forgiving with momentum mismatches.
	Check:epTolErr                 = 2e-2
	LesHouches:setQuarkMass        = 0
	LesHouches:setLeptonMass       = 0
	LesHouches:matchInOut          = off
	ShowerPDF:usePDFmasses         = off
	1:m0 = 0.0
	2:m0 = 0.0
	3:m0 = 0.0
	4:m0 = 0.0
	5:m0 = 0.0

	! Madgraph settings to let ME corrections know about MG5 parameters.
	Dire:MG5card  = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat
	SLHA:file     = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat

	! Switch off event generation steps
	!PartonLevel:MPI              = off
	!HadronLevel:all              = off
	!BeamRemnants:primordialKT    = off
	!PartonLevel:Remnants         = off
	!Check:event                  = off

	! Factorisation/renormalisation scales core process
	Merging:muFac               = 80.4
	Merging:muRen               = 80.4
	Merging:muFacInME           = 80.4
	Merging:muRenInME           = 80.4

	! Subruns for UNLOPS NLO merging
	Main:numberOfSubruns = 4

	Main:subrun               = 0
	Merging:doUNLOPSTree      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubt      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSLoop      = on
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubtNLO   = off
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_nlo_0.lhe.gz

	Main:subrun               = 1
	Merging:doUNLOPSTree      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubt      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSLoop      = on
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubtNLO   = off
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_nlo_1.lhe.gz

	Main:subrun               = 2
	Merging:doUNLOPSTree      = on
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubt      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSLoop      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubtNLO   = off
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_lo_1.lhe.gz

	Main:subrun               = 3
	Merging:doUNLOPSTree      = on
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubt      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSLoop      = off
	Merging:doUNLOPSSubtNLO   = off
	Beams:LHEF                = ../include/DirePlugins/mg5/e-ve_lo_2.lhe.gz

You can save this to a file (say, mergingNLO.cmnd) and then run

./dire02 mergingNLO.cmnd mergingNLO_output.hepmc

Before moving on, a few comments about input sample generation are in order. The general strategy is that the user can produce input events with include cuts, and then Dire will apply the necessary stronger cuts based on the merging scale definition automatically. The merging scale choice for Dire is very simple, and easily applicable also in NLO fixed-order calculations: Each sample should have a minimal number of jets with transverse momentum (relative to the beam direction) above the merging scale value. The longitudinally invariant kT algorithm with radius R=0.4 and maximal jet rapidity of 6.0 is used to define jets. Some (pseudo)code for enforcing this merging scale might best explain this definition:

	// Fastjet analysis - select algorithm and parameters
	fastjet::Strategy               strategy = fastjet::Best;
	fastjet::RecombinationScheme    recombScheme = fastjet::E_scheme;
	fastjet::JetDefinition         *jetDef
	   = new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, Rparam,
	     recombScheme, strategy);
	// Fastjet input
	std::vector < fastjet::PseudoJet > fjInputs;

	// Loop over event record to decide what to pass to FastJet
	for (int i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i) {
	  // (Final state && coloured+photons) only!
	  if ( !event[i].isFinal()
	    || event[i].isLepton()
	    || event[i].id() == 23
	    || abs(event[i].id()) == 24)
	  // Store as input to Fastjet
	  fjInputs.push_back( fastjet::PseudoJet (event[i].px(),
	          event[i].py(), event[i].pz(),event[i].e() ) );

	// Run Fastjet algorithm
	fastjet::ClusterSequence clusterSeq(fjInputs, *jetDef);
	vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets
	  = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(clusterSeq.inclusive_jets());
	int n(0);
	for (size_t i(0);i<jets.size();++i) {
	  Vec4 pj(jets[i].px(),jets[i].py(),jets[i].pz(),jets[i].E());
	  if (pj.pT()> ptmin && abs(pj.rap()) < ymax) n++;

	// Veto if too few jets have been found.
	if (n < number_of_partons_in_born) vetoThisFixedOrderEvent;

This allows to generate leading order LHE samples without any Dire-specific cuts. MadGraph could be used for these samples. The cut also allows to use, for example, aMC@NLO-generated NLO events that were regularised with that code's ptjet cut. aMC@NLO-generated NLO events will at present have to be post-processed to work with Dire. One option is to generate aMC@NLO events with PYTHIA 8 subtractions, then post-process them with PYTHIA 8 (using consistent settings), and store the events after the first PYTHIA 8 emission to LHEF. The resulting event files can then be used as NLO input samples for Dire. A dedicated code for post-processing aMC@NLO inputs with PYTHIA 8 can be found here. This has been developed by Leif Gellersen. If you need more details on merging in Dire, please contact Stefan Prestel at stefanDOTprestelATthepDOTluDOTse (replace DOT and AT with the appropriate symbol).

Using iterated matrix-element corrections

The first step to using Dire with matrix-element corrections is to link the code against a suitable suite of ME corrections. An example configure step would be

./configure --with-pythia8=/path/to/pythia --with-mg5mes=$(pwd)/include/DirePlugins/mg5 --mg5mes-model=sm

before compiling Dire and before compiling your main program. Please note the description in the UpdateHistory.txt file in the Dire repository for more details on how to link Madgraph-generated matrix element code. Once you've linked the ME code, you can use ME corrections for all processes available from the library. Note that ME corrections can apply to any type of shower splitting, i.e. QCD, QED and EW branchings. You do not need a specific main program to use matrix element corrections. One option is to use the default main program A functional input settings file for iterated matrix-element corrections could look like this:

	# Number of events to generate.
	Main:numberOfEvents       = 10000

	# Set alphaS(mZ) value and running.
	SpaceShower:alphaSvalue   = 0.1201
	TimeShower:alphaSvalue    = 0.1201
	SpaceShower:alphaSorder   = 2
	TimeShower:alphaSorder    = 2

	# LHC beam setup
	Beams:idA                 = 2212
	Beams:idB                 = 2212
	Beams:eCM                 = 7000.
	# Example: Neutral-current Drell-Yan e+e- production
	WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on
	23:onMode                 = off
	23:onIfAny                = 13 -13 
	PhaseSpace:mHatMin        = 20.

	# Do not use "power shower".
	SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch    = 1
	TimeShower:pTmaxMatch     = 1

	# Use masses of PDF sets also for shower evolution.
	# Note: Only correctly handled when using external PDF sets from LHAPDF
	ShowerPDF:usePDFalphas     = off
	ShowerPDF:useSummedPDF     = on
	ShowerPDF:usePDFmasses     = off

	# Madgraph settings to let ME corrections know about MG5 parameters.
	Dire:MG5card   = ./include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat
	SLHA:file      = ./include/DirePlugins/mg5/Processes_sm/param_card_sm.dat
	SLHA:readFrom  = 2
	SLHA:keepSM    = off
	SLHA:minMassSM = 0.3

        # Matrix element correction settings
	Dire:doMECs     = on
	Merging:Process = pp>mu+mu-
        # Final-state multiplicty until which ME corrections should apply
	#Dire:nFinalMaxMECs = 3
        # Virtuality of any combination of two particles, above which to 
	# apply ME corrections.
	Dire:QminMECs  = 0.5
        # Evolution variable of branchings, above which to apply MECs.
	Dire:pTminMECs = 0.1

You can save this to a file (say, mecs-example.cmnd) and then run the command

./bin/dire --input mecs-example.cmnd --hepmc_output myfile.hepmc

The Dire repository only contains a small matrix element library. More matrix elements can be found at or may be generated with this MadGraph version developed by Valentin Hirschi, based on previous work by Olivier Mattelaer and Johan Alwall. If you need more details on matrix element corrections in Dire, please contact Stefan Prestel at stefanDOTprestelATthepDOTluDOTse (replace DOT and AT with the appropriate symbol).